Featured Work

2018 – 2019

User Experience Director


I led UX design for large-scale touchscreen, gestural interactives and mobile apps as Potion's first UX director in 2018, a few years after our first freelance collaboration.

Tangible interaction at the Science History Institute; wireframe prototype in Principle
Projection and touch frame interaction at the National Constitution Center
Motion study for a gestural interface to manipulate 3D models at the Cleveland Museum of Art
2012 – 2017

User Experience Design


I work with remote and on-site UX teams on responsive websites and mobile apps, delivering high-fidelity wireframes, low-fidelity sketches, and the occasional mockup in Photoshop or code to get the UX across. I help teams at creative agencies reshape their working methods to design for a multi-device web: I advocate for RWD best practices and modern design methods like prototyping, quickly proving concepts with frameworks, and using tools like GitHub for active communication between designers, developers, and clients.

"Managing Your Redesign"

It’s never a great idea to put off a big redesign until your website is well and truly broken, but what if you can’t wrangle an adequate budget? I advocated fixing one thing at a time in issue 238 of .net magazine, published March 2013.

2008 – 2012

Senior Information Architect

Behavior Design, LLC


When WNYC’s Radiolab called for proposals for their first iPhone app, I jumped at the chance to submit an idea. High-fidelity wireframes and prose described the features I believed would be valuable and fun for listeners.

iPhone App Proposal


One-on-one interviews are solid first steps towards understanding your client. Large groups necessitate different tactics: pictured here, stakeholders augmented information gathered from previous discussion.

Interview Stakeholders
The New Victory Theater

Interaction Design

Web apps face real-time interaction challenges not often present in content-oriented websites: how to provide feedback and show system activity without overwhelming or distracting users from core functions. Wireframes identified such points in detail for the design and development team.

Arc90 & Behavior


Prized legacy content quickly becomes useless if few users can find it; maintaining outdated navigation models for the sake of that content can inhibit a site’s future growth. This retrofit and structured framework for museum exhibition content allowed for flexibility in storytelling, past and future.

Restructure Exhibition content
American Museum of Natural History


Callouts and clickthroughs illustrate how a user and system will interact, in this case showing provisional appointment-scheduling.

Software configuration web app
Electronic Health Records


Information architecture requires written communication in many forms: the persuasive writing of proposals; clear exposition of email, Basecamp posts, wireframe annotations, usage scenarios, functional narratives; and the confident prose of case studies.

Case study
American Museum of Natural History

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